Whenever accidental damage and software problems make your tablet unusable, it may be incredibly inconvenient. Not only does a damaged tablet make it difficult to get work done, it may also make it hard to stream your favorite TV show, answer emails, use the internet, and look at social media. But simply because your device is not working or damaged, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to break your budget replacing it with the newest model.
Four Questions to Ask Regarding Your Damaged Tablet
See whether it is worth repairing your broken tablet or maybe it’s time for a replacement by thinking about the following questions.
1 – What’s wrong with my tablet?
First, think about what’s wrong with your tablet and also what’s causing the problem. While exterior damage such as a broken screen tends to make it fairly easy to identify the issue, other tablet problems are less evident. When the malfunctioning appears to be a software issue, make note of what is taking place whenever you turn on the device or what measures you are taking which cause the error.
Knowing what’s wrong with your damaged tablet will help determine if the unit is repairable and just how much a repair will cost.
2 – Is my tablet insured or are there warranties?
Next, do your homework to find out if your tablet is under warranty or if it is insured. Numerous manufacturers offer great warranties on their devices. Get in touch with the manufacturer to find out whether or not your device qualifies for any free replacement or repair under its warranty policy. If you pay insurance for the tablet, get in touch with the provider for insurance information.
3 – How much will it cost to fix my broken tablet?
Bring your broken tablet to a nearby repair shop like Rob the Phone Doctor to request an estimate. You can also get an estimate over the phone or on the website. With an estimate of your repair services, you will have the important information to compare the costs. If a repair shop quotes you $200 for repair and a new tablet costs $800, it is probably best to go with the repair. Alternatively, if you own an inexpensive tablet, it may be better to replace the device as some repair services may cost as much as the tablet itself.
4 – Do I really like this tablet?
Lastly, think about your current tablet’s specifications compared to those of more recent models. If it’s missing features that you want, are those features worth the cost of a new tablet? If not, choose the repair.
Weighing Your Choices: Repair or Replace
Based on your answers to the questions above, you ought to now have a fairly good idea of whether it is best to repair or replace your broken tablet. If you have chosen the repair route, you have many options. While you could order an at-home repair kit, realize that you may do more harm than good by opening the unit on your own. If you do not know what is causing your tablet to not work properly, this option is typically not ideal for you.
On the other hand, you can mail your broken device to the manufacturer for repair or take it to your provider for repair. Regrettably, these two options mean you will be without a tablet for at least several days.
Regardless of whether you have decided to repair or replace your broken tablet, you should consider visiting Rob the Phone Doctor. We have many years of experience fixing broken tablets by all of the most popular brands. We finish many tablet repairs the same day that you bring in your device so that you don’t have to be without it for long. Or just reach out by phone at (239) 910-0100 or get a Free Quote online and let Dr. Rob know what the problem is – he is always happy to help!